Looking For A Dependable House Cleaner For Family Living In Williamsburg
Williamsburg, MI
Delivery Driver - Kalkaska, MI
Kalkaska, MI
Sr. Community Manager
Wallick Communities
Traverse City, MI
Dental Insurance
Vision Insurance
Parental Leave
Employment in Traverse City
The population of Traverse City, MI was estimated to be 16,000 in 2022. The median age of the Traverse City population is 40.1.
Cost of Living
The cost of living in Traverse City, MI is about 13% lower than the national average. The median household income in Traverse City is $61,056.
Traverse City, MI Education
High School Graduate: 19%
Some College: 22%
Associates Degree: 10%
Bachelor's or Higher Degree: 48%
Workforce Participation Rates by Education
Less than High School: 49%
High School Graduate: 71%
Some College: 85%
Bachelor's Degree or Greater: 88%
Unemployment Rate by Education
Less than High School: 2%
High School Graduate: 9%
Some College: 4%
Bachelor's Degree or Greater: 2%
Estimated education data based on residents over 25 years old in Traverse City, MI. Employment data based on residents age 25-64.
County: Grand Traverse
Traverse City Job Market
Traverse City is a small city of 15,000 in the Northwest Lower Peninsula of Michigan. It is a large producer of tart cherries, grapes, and wine in the Midwest. Top industries in Traverse City include Office and Administration, Food Preparation and Service, Sales, and Production. The job market in Traverse City has seen some recent growth driven by year-round tourism. People like working in Traverse City because of its beautiful natural attractions and small-town feel. Overall, average weekly wages for most occupations and cost of living are lower in Traverse City than in the rest of the US.